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Setting Exception Dates

"Exceptions" allow you to indicate special events, holidays, or specific dates your business is closed. It allows you to communicate effortlessly to prevent deliveries scheduled on these days.


  • Avoid delivery errors: By setting exception dates, you avoid shipments arriving on non-working days or public holidays when your business is unavailable to receive them.
  • Operational efficiency: Communicating in advance about non-available dates ensures the effectiveness of the delivery process, while optimizing your resources.
  • Met expectations: Exception setting ensures a smooth service, maintaining the reliability and accuracy of our delivery schedules.

How to Set Exception Dates

Step 1: Log Into the MyXGS Customer Portal

  • Visit https://my.xgsi.com and access the customer portal by going to using your provided credentials. If you do not have these, please contact our customer service team for assistance by using our chat feature. 

Step 2: Navigate to the Exceptions section

  • Once logged in, locate your name in the top right corner, and click on the Company within the navigation menu. 

    Step 3: Select the Exceptions tab

    • Look for the Exception tab to display a calendar that will allow you to indicate "Non-working Days", "Holidays", or "Business Closed Dates".

    Step 4: Set Exceptions

    • Start inputting desired dates by clicking on the calendar and entering a title for the exception in the designated field. Federal public holidays of days when XGS is closed will already be populated in the calendar.

    • Ensure that your company's exception dates correspond with the calendar.

    Step 5: Save your changes by Marking your Exception

    • Confirm your selection by clicking Mark Exception. This will save your entry.

    Tips for Success

    • Check Regularly: Review your set exception dates periodically to reflect any changes in your business schedules.
    • Adapt and Respond: Adjust your exception dates in response to unexpected events like severe weather or sudden company closures.

    This easy-to-use tool enhances your communication with our team, ensuring your shipment schedules always align with your business operations. Please contact our customer support by using our chat if you need any assistance or have inquiries.